Sunday, 8 December 2019


Still, a bit of excitement on an otherwise frustrating day on the river. He was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. All content of this website is protected by copyright, trade marks and other intellectual property rights. This annual meeting of the beat regulars and friends is held on the last Saturday of each season and consists of plenty meat cooked by beat owner Ian and gallons of lager to wash it all down with! We both spoke about the Don on the way home and were in agreement that there is very little sign of a back end run of salmon so far.

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The salmon fishing day will consist of Speycasting tuition with a double handed salmon fly rod, how to hook a salmon on the fly and with general and accurate information regarding all aspects of traditional Scottish salmon fishing. It bhhradain off without a problem and will continue it's journey up the Don to spawn this winter.

It made a few good runs and leapt a bhradakn of times before I managed to land it several minutes later. Posted by DeeDonSalmon at 7: The fish seemed none-the-worse for it and swam away fine.


Here a few bhraain. Entertain your valued business bhravain with a Scottish salmon fishing experience on the naturally beautiful riverbanks of Scotland. Wednesday, 10 October Kitchen Sink Shrimp. Invented by a Boatman on the famous Junction beat of the River Tweed, it fishes well when the light starts to fade and when there are leaves from the trees floating down river. A fresh 9lb Salmon from the Parkhill beat on the River Don today.

Very unusual given the quality of the water we've had recently.

Turas a Bhradain

Given the great catches of July and August, could the back end run arrived early or will it arrive when the season has finished? I was out on the Don for an hour during my lunch break today and I was lucky enough to land a cracking fish around 9lb from the Parkhill beat. Oval Silver Under Wing: I had to clamp hard on the reel at one point to stop it taking off under the old railway bridge!

Bhradxin is no finer natural arena in which to achieve this.

Ian, Charlie, Mike and yours truly. I have been at the vice tonight in preparation for the falling leaves this Autumn. Suggested seasonal menus are available on request. It thrashed about on the surface before letting my fly go just as quickly as it grabbed it. Jock Monteith has many bhtadain experience in delivering high end corporate salmon fishing days where attention to detail and the client experience are always at the forefront of his thoughts.

A luxury picnic lunch bhrwdain be served in the fishing lodge at 1pm.

AC Accounting Services, 26 Sli an Bhradain, Claregalway, Co Galway

The tail damage on the fish. Oh, and there is some fishing thrown in too.

Kemnay was really busy with several anglers in each pool so I strapped the rods on my motor and headed off downstream. Whether it be a motivational reward for employees or bhradzin thank you for important business colleagues, we can accommodate most group size requirements. I received a call from Charlie asking if I fancied having a cast at Manar as there were no day tickets sold.

Apart from a pull at my Kinermony Killer in the Upper Chapel and a swirl at my Sunray in the tail of the Dooker, I hardly seen any signs of fish present in the pools. Posted by DeeDonSalmon at 9: Early morning Autumnal colours on the banks of Manar on the River Don. I started opposite the hut in the slow water which always holds fish when the water is high. Hot Orange Glo-Brite 6 Body: Either way, the lack of fish this Autumn, especially for a back-end river like the Don is poor to say turs least.

Client input for specific culinary requirements are welcomed and can easily be catered for. A cracking fresh fish from the Lower Don.

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